Predicate: sketch
Roleset id: sketch.01 , nom/work-of-art, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: beneficiary
Example: autogen1
        prim sketches of a suit or a coat
        Rel : sketches
        Arg1 : of a suit or a coat
Example: autogen2
        a sketch artist
        Rel : sketch
        Arg0 : artist
Roleset id: sketch.02 , describe roughly, vncls:
        Arg0: describer
        Arg1: thing described
Example: autogen1
        its unsentimental sketches of Cairo life
        Arg0 : its
        ArgM-MNR : unsentimental
        Rel : sketches
        Arg1 : of Cairo life