Predicate: sex
Roleset id: sex.01 , attribute, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme
Example: autogen1
        the race , sex and income level of borrowers
        Arg2-REF : sex
        Rel : sex
        Arg1 : of borrowers
Example: autogen2
        their sex
        Arg1 : their
        Arg2-REF : sex
        Rel : sex
Roleset id: sex.02 , engage in sexual relations, vncls:
        Arg0: party the first
        Arg1: party the second
Example: autogen1
        he had sex with a male congressional page in 1983
        Arg0 : he
        ArgSupport : had
        Rel : sex
        Arg1 : with a male congressional page
Example: autogen2
        sex between uninfected partners
        Rel : sex
        Arg0 : between uninfected partners