Predicate: second
Roleset id: second.01 , environment for proposition/partitive-quant, vncls:
        Arg1: action/theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: secondary-theme
Example: autogen1
        the 15 seconds of the earthquake 's actual duration
        Rel : seconds
        Arg1 : of the earthquake 's actual duration
Example: autogen2
        30 seconds of advertising
        Rel : seconds
        Arg1 : of advertising
Roleset id: second.02 , nomadj-second, vncls:
        Arg1: theme/participant
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: contest
Example: autogen1
        a distant second to Time 's Home Box Office in the delivery of
        pay-TV networks to cable subscribers
        Rel : second
        Arg2 : to Time 's Home Box Office
        Arg3 : in the delivery of pay-TV networks to cable subscribers
Example: autogen2
        Akzo 's Twaron aramid fiber is a distant second to Du Pont Co. 's
        Kevlar , which dominates the market .
        Arg1 : Akzo 's Twaron aramid fiber
        Rel : second
        Arg2 : to Du Pont Co. 's Kevlar , which dominates the market