Predicate: scorn
Roleset id: scorn.01 , despise, vncls: 33
        Arg0: scorner
        Arg1: thing scorned
        Arg2: reason
Example: autogen1
        As your editorial rightly pointed out , Samuel Pierce , former
        HUD secretary , and Lance Wilson , Mr. Pierce 's former aide , ``
        are currently being held up to scorn for taking the Fifth
        Amendment .
        Arg1 :
Samuel Pierce , former HUD secretary , and Lance Wilson , Mr.
Pierce 's former aide , ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : held up to
        Rel : scorn
        Arg2 : for taking the Fifth Amendment
Example: autogen2
        Unfortunately , by my rough guess , he used better than 5,000
        words heaping scorn on the witnesses for exercising the Fifth .
        Arg0 : he ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : heaping
        Rel : scorn
        Arg1 : on the witnesses
        Arg2 : for exercising the Fifth