Predicate: rush
Roleset id: rush.01 , move quickly, vncls: 51.3.2
        Arg0: causer of motion
        Arg1: entity in motion
        Arg2: goal/action
Example: autogen1
        any rush on the part of investors in the West to buy gold
        Rel : rush
        Arg1 : on the part of investors in the West
        Arg2-PRD : to buy gold
Example: autogen2
        the rush to leverage
        Rel : rush
        Arg2 : to leverage
Roleset id: rush.02 , partitive-quant, vncls:
        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme
Example: autogen1
        the rush of money
        Rel : rush
        Arg1 : of money
Example: autogen2
        the rush of selling
        Rel : rush
        Arg1 : of selling