Predicate: run
Roleset id: run.01 , partitive-quant, vncls:
        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme
Example: autogen1
        a decade-long run of unprecedented disasters
        Rel : run
        Arg1 : of unprecedented disasters
Example: autogen2
        an initial press run of 100,000 copies
        Rel : run
        Arg1 : of 100,000 copies
Roleset id: run.02 , operate, procede, vncls:
        Arg0: operator
        Arg1: machine, operation, procedure
        Arg2: employer
        Arg3: coworker
        Arg4: instrumental
Example: autogen1
        prevent Martin Ackerman from making a run at the
        computer-services concern
        Arg0 : Martin Ackerman ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : making
        Rel : run
        Arg1 : at the computer-services concern
Example: autogen2
        you 're going to make a run of it
        Arg0 : you ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : make
        Rel : run
        Arg1 : of it
Roleset id: run.03 , nomlike/earn points (on exam/competition, vncls:
        Arg0: athlete, scorer
Example: autogen1
        its runs
        Arg0 : its
        Rel : runs
Example: autogen2
        Bobby Thomson 's home run
        Arg0 : Bobby Thomson 's
        Rel : run
Roleset id: run.04 , partitive-part/defect/hole, vncls:
        Arg1: whole
Example: autogen1
        a run in the sheets
        Rel : run
        Arg1 : in the sheets
Roleset id: run.05 , nomlike-run-away, vncls: 51.1-1
        Arg0: entity escaping
        Arg1: place or thing escaped
Example: autogen1
        After six months on the run , Mr. Chan learned the order for his
        arrest had been canceled .
        ArgM-TMP : six months
        ArgSupport : months on
        Rel : run
        Arg0 : Mr. Chan
Example: autogen2
        Steinbach had struck just seven home runs in 130 regular-season
        games , and batted in the seventh position of the A 's lineup
        Arg1 : Steinbach
        ArgSupport : struck
        Rel : runs