Predicate: restoration
Roleset id: restoration.01 , give back, vncls:
        Arg0: giver, restorer
        Arg1: gift, thing restored
        Arg2: beneficiary, restored-to
Example: autogen1
        the restoration of the Shi'ite Sultan Ali Keshtmand to the Afghan
        prime ministry
        Rel : restoration
        Arg1 : of the Shi'ite Sultan Ali Keshtmand
        Arg2 : to the Afghan prime ministry
Example: autogen2
        It also provides for benefit adjustments , including a partial
        restoration of vacations and holidays , as well as work-rule
        changes to increase productivity .
        Arg0 : It
        ArgSupport : provides for adjustments including
        ArgM-MNR : partial
        Rel : restoration
        Arg1 : of vacations and holidays
Roleset id: restoration.02 , like new, vncls:
        Arg0: restorer
        Arg1: thing restored, renewed
        Arg2: end state
Example: autogen1
        restoration of buildings
        Rel : restoration
        Arg1 : of buildings