Predicate: representation
Roleset id: representation.01 , stand for, correspond, vncls: 29.2
        Arg0: item / entity taking place of other
        Arg1: item / entity being substituted by the other
Example: autogen1
        Mr. Alexander 's representation of Derr Construction Co. , one of
        several defendants in a wrongful death lawsuit brought by Ms.
        Parks , the widow of a construction worker killed in January 1987
        while working on a new Houston convention center
        Arg0 : Mr. Alexander 's
        Rel : representation
        Arg1 :
of Derr Construction Co. , one of several defendants in a
wrongful death lawsuit brought by Ms. Parks , the widow of a
construction worker killed in January 1987 while working on a new
Houston convention center
Example: autogen2
        they may seek board representation
        Arg1 : they
        ArgSupport : seek
        ArgM-LOC : board
        Arg0-REF : representation
        Rel : representation