Predicate: reflection
Roleset id: reflection.01 , cast an image back, vncls:
        Arg1: thing casting a reflection
        Arg2: surface casting the reflection, image being reflected
Example: autogen1
        a reflection of history -- their parents were shipped in as
        laborers during the decades when Japan occupied Korea before
        World War II -- and the discrimination that still faces Koreans
        in Japanese society
        Rel : reflection
        Arg1 :
of history -- their parents were shipped in as laborers during
the decades when Japan occupied Korea before World War II -- and
the discrimination that still faces Koreans in Japanese society
Example: autogen2
        a reflection of a shift away from U.S. assets by Japanese
        investors into West German investments
        Rel : reflection
        Arg1 :
of a shift away from U.S. assets by Japanese investors into West
German investments
Roleset id: reflection.02 , think about, vncls:
        Arg0: thinker
        Arg1: thoughts
Example: autogen1
        In another reflection that the growth of the economy is leveling
        off , the government said that orders for manufactured goods and
        spending on construction failed to rise in September .
        Rel : reflection
        Arg1-PRD : that the growth of the economy is leveling off
        Arg0 : the government
Example: autogen2
        , on reflection , anyone could view the VOA materials , not just
        the reporters , scholars , researchers and congressmen who are
        mentioned in the statute
        Rel : reflection
        Arg0 : anyone