Predicate: redemption
Roleset id: redemption.01 , save and exchange, vncls: 10.5
        Arg0: redeemer
        Arg1: thing saved and redeemed
        Arg2: in-exchange-for
Example: autogen1
        Shareholders will also receive one cent per share for the
        redemption of preferred stock purchase rights .
        Arg0 : Shareholders
        ArgSupport : receive for
        Arg2 : one cent per share
        Rel : redemption
        Arg1 : of preferred stock purchase rights
Example: autogen2
        the redemption Dec. 6 of the company 's $ 1 cumulative
        convertible special preferred stock at $ 37.5 a share , not
        including a 25 cent dividend for the current quarter
        Rel : redemption
        Arg1 :
of the company 's $ 1 cumulative convertible special preferred
        Arg2 :
at $ 37.5 a share , not including a 25 cent dividend for the
current quarter