Predicate: pullout
Roleset id: pullout.01 , try to) cause motion, vncls:
        Arg0: puller
        Arg1: thing pulled
        Arg2: dir or attribute of arg1
        Arg3: ext, distance moved
        Arg4: goal, placed moved to
Example: autogen2
        a complete Syrian troop pullout from Lebanon , where about 70,000
        people marched to the headquarters of Christian leader Aoun to
        support his rejection of a peace plan approved Sunday by Lebanon
        's legislature
        Arg0 : Syrian
        Arg1 : troop
        Arg2 : pullout
        Rel : pullout
        Arg4 :
from Lebanon , where about 70,000 people marched to the
headquarters of Christian leader Aoun to support his rejection of
a peace plan approved Sunday by Lebanon 's legislature
Example: autogen3
        a Syrian troop pullout from Lebanon
        Arg0 : Syrian
        Arg1 : troop
        Arg2 : pullout
        Rel : pullout
        Arg4 : from Lebanon