Predicate: promotion
Roleset id: promotion.01 , raise in rank/position, move forward/up, vncls:
        Arg0: causer of motion, employer
        Arg1: thing in motion, employee
        Arg2: destination, new job
        Arg3: source, old job
Example: autogen1
        students ' promotions
        Arg1 : students '
        Rel : promotions
Example: autogen2
        his promotion
        Arg1 : his
        Rel : promotion
Roleset id: promotion.02 , advertise, vncls:
        Arg0: advertiser
        Arg1: thing being pitched, advertised
        Arg2: audience
Example: autogen1
        TO GRAB a bigger piece of the declining scotch market , Seagram
        Co. has launched a controversial `` frequent drinker '' promotion
        for its Chivas Regal brand .
        Arg0 : Seagram Co.
        ArgSupport : launched
        Arg2 : frequent drinker
        Rel : promotion
        Arg1 : for its Chivas Regal brand
Example: autogen2
        their promotions concerning beef
        Arg0 : their
        Rel : promotions
        Arg1 : concerning beef