Predicate: prize
Roleset id: prize.01 , give an award, vncls: 13.3
        Arg0: giver
        Arg1: award
        Arg2: beneficiary
        Arg3: reason
Example: autogen1
        It awarded the largest cash prize of any film festival to young
        and first-time film makers
        Arg0 : It
        ArgSupport : awarded
        ArgM-MNR : largest
        Arg1 : cash
        Rel : prize
        Arg2 : to young and first-time film makers
Example: autogen2
        recipients were guaranteed cash prizes , and could win up to an
        additional $ 1,000 on top of them , if they contributed as little
        as $ 7
        Arg2 : recipients
        ArgSupport : guaranteed
        Arg1 : cash
        Rel : prizes