Predicate: presumption
Roleset id: presumption.01 , to assume, take for granted, vncls: 29.4
        Arg0: presumer, agent
        Arg1: entity presumed
        Arg2: secondary predicate on arg1
Example: autogen1
        a presumption in some sectors of -LRB- Mexico 's -RRB- government
        that there is a lot of Japanese money waiting behind the gate ,
        and that by slightly opening the gate , that money will enter
        Rel : presumption
        Arg1 :
*ICH*-2 ---> that there is a lot of Japanese money waiting behind
the gate , and that by slightly opening the gate , that money
will enter Mexico
        Arg0 : in some sectors of -LRB- Mexico 's -RRB- government
Example: autogen2
        the Clean Water Act is written upon the presumption -- the
        pretense , rather -- that nothing but zero risk will do
        Arg0 : the Clean Water Act ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : written upon
        Rel : presumption
        Arg1 : that nothing but zero risk will do