Predicate: plot
Roleset id: plot.01 , to take part in a plot, make a plan, draw, vncls:
        Arg0: plotter(s), agent
        Arg1: plotted action, plan
        Arg2: recipient
Example: autogen1
        a right-wing plot aimed at ousting PASOK and thwarting the course
        of socialism in Greece
        Arg0 : right-wing
        Rel : plot
        ArgSupport : aimed
        Arg1 : at ousting PASOK and thwarting the course of socialism in Greece
Example: autogen2
        certain coup plots
        Arg1 : coup
        Rel : plots
Roleset id: plot.02 , work-of-art, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        the plots of prime-time shows
        Rel : plots
        Arg1 : of prime-time shows
Example: autogen2
        the nutty plot of `` A Wild Sheep Chase ''
        Rel : plot
        Arg1 : of `` A Wild Sheep Chase ''
Roleset id: plot.03 , attribute, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
Example: autogen1
        a 15-acre plot and main home
        Arg2 : 15-acre
        Rel : plot