Predicate: pleasure
Roleset id: pleasure.01 , make happy, vncls: 31.1
        Arg0: agent, pleaser
        Arg1: patient, entity pleased
        Arg2: instrumental
Example: autogen1
        we had the exquisite pleasure of scrambling out of the basket
        into the mud while the French half of our ballooning tag team
        scrambled in
        Arg1 : we
        ArgSupport : had
        Rel : pleasure
        Arg0 :
of scrambling out of the basket into the mud while the French
half of our ballooning tag team scrambled in
Example: autogen2
        The Treasury expressed pleasure , however , with the government
        of Taiwan , which was cited for exchange-rate manipulation in
        last year 's report .
        Arg1 : The Treasury
        ArgSupport : expressed
        Rel : pleasure
        Arg0 :
with the government of Taiwan , which was cited for exchange-rate
manipulation in last year 's report