Predicate: pickup
Roleset id: pickup.01 , pick up: acquire, vncls:
        Arg0: agent, entity acquiring something
        Arg1: thing acquired
        Arg2: seller
        Arg3: price paid
        Arg4: beneficiary
Example: autogen1
        its pickup and delivery of packages
        Arg0 : its
        Rel : pickup
        Arg1 : of packages
Roleset id: pickup.02 , pick up: increase, vncls:
        Arg1: thing increasing
        Arg2: amount increased by, ext or mnr
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point
Example: autogen1
        a very small pickup in yield
        Arg2 : very small
        Rel : pickup
        Arg1 : in yield
Example: autogen2
        a pickup in Canadian auto demand
        Rel : pickup
        Arg1 : in Canadian auto demand