Predicate: perception
Roleset id: perception.01 , to become aware of, understand, vncls: 30.2
        Arg0: perceiver
        Arg1: entity perceived
        Arg2: secondary predication, perceived as
Example: autogen1
        shareholders ' perception of Blue Arrow as a company in turmoil
        Arg0 : shareholders '
        Rel : perception
        Arg1 : of Blue Arrow
        Arg2 : as a company in turmoil
Example: autogen2
        the perception of Mr. Honecker as an out-of-touch old man
        Rel : perception
        Arg1 : of Mr. Honecker
        Arg2 : as an out-of-touch old man
Roleset id: perception.02 , believe, vncls: 29.4
        Arg0: believer
        Arg1: belief
Example: autogen1
        the perception , on the part of many people in network TV , that
        their only hope of keeping viewers from defecting to cable is to
        fill the airwaves with an increasingly raw sensationalism
        Rel : perception
        Arg1 :
*ICH*-1 ---> that their only hope of keeping viewers from
defecting to cable is to fill the airwaves with an increasingly
raw sensationalism
        Arg0 : on the part of many people in network TV
Example: autogen2
        the perception that legislation in this area may be hastily
        Rel : perception
        Arg1 : that legislation in this area may be hastily approved