Predicate: memorandum
Roleset id: memorandum.01 , nom/work-of-art, vncls: 36.1
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: recipient
Example: autogen1
        an official explanation in the form of a memorandum from Chief of
        Staff George C. Marshall to President Roosevelt : `` 1,430 pounds
        of ammunition , '' he wrote his commander in chief , were
        expended on `` unidentified aircraft , '' flying at speeds as
        slow as 200 mph and elevations between 9,000 and 18,000 feet
        Arg1 : an official explanation
        ArgSupport : form of
        Rel : memorandum
        Arg0 : from Chief of Staff George C. Marshall
        Arg2 : to President Roosevelt
Example: autogen2
        the subject of memorandums from the chief executive
        Arg1 : the subject
        ArgSupport : subject of
        Rel : memorandums
        Arg0 : from the chief executive