Predicate: memo
Roleset id: memo.01 , nom/work-of-art, vncls: 36.1
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: recipient
Example: autogen1
        Although ARCO 's head office , more than 300 miles from the
        epicenter , was n't affected by this week 's tremors , Ms.
        Masaki-Schatz used the occasion to distribute a three-page memo
        of `` Earthquake Tips '' to 1,200 ARCO employees .
        Arg0 : Ms. Masaki-Schatz ---> *-2
        ArgSupport : distribute
        Rel : memo
        Arg1 : of `` Earthquake Tips ''
        Arg2 : to 1,200 ARCO employees
Example: autogen2
        a detailed prosecution memo
        Arg1 : prosecution
        Rel : memo