Predicate: maneuvering
Roleset id: maneuvering.01 , to direct the course, vncls:
        Arg0: director, agent
        Arg1: entity maneuvered
        Arg2: destination
Example: autogen1
        pretrial maneuvering in the pending court case , in which
        prosecutors have been demanding access to a host of internal
        company memos , reports and documents
        ArgM-TMP : pretrial
        Rel : maneuvering
        ArgM-TMP :
in the pending court case , in which prosecutors have been
demanding access to a host of internal company memos , reports
and documents
Example: autogen2
        last week 's maneuverings on the deficit-cutting bill and the
        capital-gains issue
        ArgM-TMP : last week 's
        Rel : maneuverings
        Arg1 : on the deficit-cutting bill and the capital-gains issue