Predicate: leave
Roleset id: leave.01 , move away from, vncls: 51.2
        Arg0: entity leaving
        Arg1: place left
        Arg3: attribute / secondary predication
        Arg4: purpose
Example: autogen1
        Jim Gideon , a lean 36-year-old righthander to take a four-month
        leave from selling insurance in Texas to try out for Mr. Weaver
        's team
        Arg0 : Jim Gideon , a lean 36-year-old righthander
        ArgSupport : take
        ArgM-TMP : four-month
        Rel : leave
        Arg1 : from selling insurance in Texas
        Arg4 : to try out for Mr. Weaver 's team
Example: autogen2
        Mr. Roth , who has been on leave from his posts ,
        Arg0 : Mr. Roth ---> who ---> *T*-2
        Rel : leave
        Arg1 : from his posts