Predicate: lag
Roleset id: lag.01 , be different, vncls: 45.6
        Arg1: things that are different
        Arg2: ext or mnr, how different
        Arg3: seperated arg1
Example: autogen1
        Lotus Development Corp. has slashed the lag between U.S. and
        Japan product introductions to six months from three years .
        ArgSupport : slashed
        Rel : lag
        Arg1 : between U.S. and Japan product introductions
        Arg2 : to six months
Example: autogen2
        floating returns that track market interest rates , with a slight
        Arg1 : floating returns ---> that ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : track with
        Arg3 : market interest rates
        ArgM-MNR : slight
        Rel : lag