Predicate: ground
Roleset id: ground.01 , have, own, vncls:
        Arg0: possessor
        Arg1: possession
Example: autogen1
        a traditional stomping ground for small investors
        Arg1 : ground
        Rel : ground
        Arg0 : for small investors
Example: autogen2
        my grounds and lodgings
        Arg0 : my
        Arg1 : grounds
        Rel : grounds
Roleset id: ground.02 , nomlike, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: decision
        Arg2: justification
Example: autogen1
        one carrier to underwrite on social grounds
        Arg0 : one carrier
        Arg1-PRD : underwrite
        Arg2 : social
        Rel : grounds
Example: autogen2
        their preference for the F-18 on operational grounds
        Arg1 : their preference for the F-18
        Arg2 : operational
        Rel : grounds