Predicate: gridlock
Roleset id: gridlock.01 , disagree, vncls: 36.1
        Arg0: first arguer
        Arg1: second arguer
        Arg2: topic
Example: autogen1
        the rival Soviet-backed regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam held a
        total gridlock over neighboring Ethiopia
        Arg0 : the rival Soviet-backed regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam
        ArgSupport : held
        ArgM-MNR : total
        Rel : gridlock
        Arg1 : over neighboring Ethiopia
Example: autogen2
        organizational gridlock
        Arg2 : organizational
        Rel : gridlock
Roleset id: gridlock.02 , to pack to excess, cram, vncls: 9.7-2
        Arg0: packer, agent
        Arg1: entity jammed
        Arg2: location
Example: autogen1
        widespread gridlock on the first day that normal business
        operations were resumed following last Tuesday 's earthquake
        ArgM-MNR : widespread
        Rel : gridlock
        ArgM-TMP :
on the first day that normal business operations were resumed
following last Tuesday 's earthquake
Example: autogen2
        the massive gridlock
        ArgM-MNR : massive
        Rel : gridlock