Predicate: gap
Roleset id: gap.01 , separate, vncls: 23.1
        Arg0: entity causing separation
        Arg1: thing being divided
        Arg2: attribute of arg1
        Arg3: secondary-theme
Example: autogen1
        the generation gap between themselves and the country 's many
        militant black youths , the so-called young lions who are anxious
        to see the old lions in action
        Arg1 : generation
        Rel : gap
        Arg3 :
between themselves and the country 's many militant black youths
, the so-called young lions who are anxious to see the old lions
in action
Example: autogen2
        a budget gap on the order of $ 500 million to $ 600 million
        Arg1 : budget
        Rel : gap
        Arg2 : on the order of $ 500 million to $ 600 million