Predicate: financing
Roleset id: financing.01 , provide money for, get money for, vncls:
        Arg0: financ(i)er
        Arg1: thing financed
        Arg2: money
        Arg3: beneficiary of financing
Example: autogen1
        it had received about $ 1 billion of senior debt financing from
        Chemical Bank and six other banks
        Arg3 : it
        ArgSupport : received $ of
        Arg2 : about $ 1 billion
        Arg1 : debt
        Rel : financing
        Arg0 : from Chemical Bank and six other banks
Example: autogen2
        $ 509 million in bank financing for the buy-out offer
        Arg2 : $ 509 million
        Arg0 : bank
        Rel : financing
        Arg1 : for the buy-out offer