Predicate: explosion
Roleset id: explosion.01 , go boom, vncls: 43.2
        Arg0: bomber, agent
        Arg1: bomb
        Arg2: attribute, end state
Example: autogen1
        a series of explosions at a major Phillips Petroleum Co. chemical
        facility on the Houston Ship Channel
        Rel : explosions
        ArgM-LOC :
at a major Phillips Petroleum Co. chemical facility on the
Houston Ship Channel
Example: autogen2
        the afternoon explosions
        ArgM-TMP : afternoon
        Rel : explosions
Roleset id: explosion.02 , get bigger very quickly, vncls: 45.4
        Arg0: causer of rapid growth, agent (rare
        Arg1: thing getting bigger
        Arg2: amount increased by, ext or mnr
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point
Example: autogen1
        the resulting explosion of real-estate activity
        Rel : explosion
        Arg1 : of real-estate activity
Example: autogen2
        a media explosion
        Arg1 : media
        Rel : explosion