Predicate: execution
Roleset id: execution.01 , kill, vncls: 42.1
        Arg0: killer
        Arg1: corpse
        Arg2: instrument
Example: autogen1
        the execution of mass-murderer Ted Bundy -- who eventually was
        executed --
        Rel : execution
        Arg1 : of mass-murderer Ted Bundy -- who eventually was executed --
Example: autogen2
        The last federal execution before the Supreme Court 's 1972
        ruling banning the death penalty
        Arg0 : federal
        Rel : execution
        ArgM-TMP : before the Supreme Court 's 1972 ruling banning the death penalty
Roleset id: execution.02 , enact, vncls:
        Arg0: agent, doer
        Arg1: thing done
        Arg2: beneficiary, done for or about
        Arg3: instrumental
Example: autogen1
        the president 's execution of the law
        Arg0 : the president 's
        Rel : execution
        Arg1 : of the law
Example: autogen2
        Perhaps he is willing to sacrifice to the arbitrage trader some
        small profit in order to get quick and certain execution of his
        large trade .
        Arg2 : he ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : get
        ArgM-MNR : quick and certain
        Rel : execution
        Arg1 : of his large trade