Predicate: entitlement
Roleset id: entitlement.01 , allow, vncls:
        Arg0: allower
        Arg1: action allowed
        Arg2: beneficiary
Example: autogen1
        The House joined the Senate in making federal reparations for
        Japanese-Americans held in World War II internment camps a legal
        entitlement requiring the Treasury Department to meet expedited
        payments of an estimated $ 1.25 billion during the next several
        years .
        Arg0 : The House ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : making
        ArgM-MNR : legal
        Rel : entitlement
        ArgSupport : requiring
        Arg1 :
the Treasury Department to meet expedited payments of an
estimated $ 1.25 billion during the next several years
Example: autogen2
        the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare
        Rel : entitlement
        ArgSupport : programs
        Arg0 : of Social Security and Medicare