Predicate: election
Roleset id: election.01 , elect, vncls: 29.1
        Arg0: voters
        Arg1: candidate
        Arg2: office or position
Example: autogen1
        Mr. Johnson 's election as a director
        Arg1 : Mr. Johnson 's
        Rel : election
        Arg2 : as a director
Example: autogen2
        Despite many doubts about his candidacy , white New Yorkers --
        who gave Mr. Dinkins 30 % of their votes in the primary -- are
        n't expected to desert in sufficient numbers to turn the election
        to Mr. Giuliani .
        Arg0 :
white New Yorkers -- who gave Mr. Dinkins 30 % of their votes in
the primary -- ---> *
        ArgSupport : turn
        Rel : election
        Arg1 : to Mr. Giuliani