Predicate: duel
Roleset id: duel.01 , fight, vncls: 36.3
        Arg0: first fighter
        Arg1: second fighter, if separate
        Arg2: spoils
Example: autogen1
        they hurl fireballs that smolder rather than burn , and relive
        old duels in the sun
        Arg0 : they
        ArgSupport : relive
        ArgM-TMP : old
        Rel : duels
Example: autogen2
        Only a week ago , when airline buy-out fever was already winding
        down , Mr. Steinhardt was engaged in a duel with USAir .
        Arg0 : Mr. Steinhardt
        ArgSupport : engaged in
        Rel : duel
        Arg1 : with USAir