Predicate: drive
Roleset id: drive.01 , nomlike, vncls: 35.2
        Arg0: advertiser
        Arg1: thing being pitched, advertised
Example: autogen1
        two petition drives for next year 's election
        ArgM-MNR : petition
        Rel : drives
        Arg1 : for next year 's election
Roleset id: drive.02 , drive a vehicle, vncls: 11.5-1
        Arg0: driver
        Arg1: vehicle or path
Example: autogen1
        Mitchell 's drive to left
        Arg0 : Mitchell 's
        Rel : drive
        Arg1 : to left
Example: autogen2
        my four-mile drive to farm headquarters
        Arg0 : my
        ArgM-EXT : four-mile
        Rel : drive
        Arg1 : to farm headquarters
Roleset id: drive.03 , ability-with-agent, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: action
Example: autogen1
        the nation 's export drive
        Arg0 : the nation 's
        Arg1 : export
        Rel : drive
Example: autogen2
        the drive to dominate certain niche markets
        Rel : drive
        Arg1-PRD : to dominate certain niche markets
Roleset id: drive.04 , nomlike, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        any Apple Monitor and disk drive
        Arg1 : disk
        Arg0 : drive
        Rel : drive
Example: autogen2
        Lisa 's disk drive
        Arg1 : disk
        Arg0 : drive
        Rel : drive