Predicate: dismay
Roleset id: dismay.01 , to depress, get down, or upset, vncls: 31.4
        Arg0: agent, causer
        Arg1: entity dismayed
        Arg2: entity dismayed at
Example: autogen1
        To the astonishment and dismay of her superiors and legal
        authorities -- and perhaps as a measure of the unpopularity of
        standardized tests -- Mrs . Yeargin won widespread local support
        Rel : dismay
        Arg1 : of her superiors and legal authorities
        Arg0 : Mrs . Yeargin
Example: autogen2
        A marketing consultant , he pioneered slashing ad agency
        commissions , to the delight of advertising clients and the
        dismay of agencies
        Arg0 : he
        ArgSupport : pioneered to
        Rel : dismay
        Arg1 : of agencies