Predicate: disclosure
Roleset id: disclosure.01 , say, vncls:
        Arg0: sayer
        Arg1: utterance
        Arg2: hearer
        Arg3: attributive
Example: autogen1
        Ford Motor Co. 's disclosure to the U.S. Securities and Exchange
        Commission that it will seek 100 % of Jaguar 's shares
        outstanding when U.K. government share regulations are lifted at
        the end of next year
        Arg0 : Ford Motor Co. 's
        Rel : disclosure
        Arg1 :
*ICH*-2 ---> that it will seek 100 % of Jaguar 's shares
outstanding when U.K. government share regulations are lifted at
the end of next year
        Arg2 : to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Example: autogen2
        For example , the Herald consistently beat its much-larger rival
        on disclosures about Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley 's financial
        dealings .
        Arg0 : the Herald
        ArgSupport : beat on
        Arg1-REF : disclosures
        Rel : disclosures
        Arg3 : about Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley 's financial dealings