Predicate: diet
Roleset id: diet.01 , consume, vncls: 39.1
        Arg0: consumer, eater
        Arg1: meal
Example: autogen1
        Perhaps primed by the daily diet of radio and TV reporters
        thrusting microphones into people 's faces and asking how they ``
        feel '' about one calamity or another , fellow reporters and
        civilians who spied my press credential were eager to chat .
        Arg0 :
*-2 ---> fellow reporters and civilians who spied my press
        ArgM-TMP : daily
        Rel : diet
        Arg1 :
of radio and TV reporters thrusting microphones into people 's
faces and asking how they `` feel '' about one calamity or
Example: autogen2
        they are n't fed a steady diet of electricity
        Arg0 : they
        ArgSupport : fed
        ArgM-MNR : steady
        Rel : diet
        Arg1 : of electricity