Predicate: delegate
Roleset id: delegate.01 , stand for, correspond, vncls: 29.2
        Arg0: item / entity taking place of other
        Arg1: item / entity being substituted by the other
        Arg2: beneficiary
Example: autogen1
        a consultant and former Algerian OPEC delegate
        ArgM-TMP : former
        Arg1 : Algerian
        Arg2 : OPEC
        Arg0 : delegate
        Rel : delegate
Example: autogen2
        the Communist Party no longer has automatic delegates in the
        U.S.S.R. 's Congress of Peoples Deputies
        Arg1 : the Communist Party
        ArgSupport : has
        Arg0 : delegates
        Rel : delegates
        Arg2 : in the U.S.S.R. 's Congress of Peoples Deputies