Predicate: curb
Roleset id: curb.01 , reduce, vncls:
        Arg0: causer of reduction, agent
        Arg1: logical subject, patient, thing falling
        Arg2: ext, amount fallen
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point, end state of arg1
        ArgM: medium
Example: autogen1
        states ca n't justify stricter abortion curbs by changing the
        definition of when life begins
        Arg0 : states
        ArgSupport : justify
        ArgM-MNR : stricter
        Arg1 : abortion
        Rel : curbs
Example: autogen2
        U.S. curbs on the exports of sensitive technology to East bloc
        Arg0 : U.S.
        Rel : curbs
        Arg1 : on the exports of sensitive technology to East bloc countries