Predicate: correspondence
Roleset id: correspondence.01 , exchange letters with, vncls: 36.1
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: topic
        Arg2: actor2
Example: autogen1
        correspondence mailed about incomplete 8300s
        Rel : correspondence
        ArgSupport : mailed
        Arg1 : about incomplete 8300s
Example: autogen2
        highly classified correspondence between the two branches of
        Rel : correspondence
        Arg0 : between the two branches of government
Roleset id: correspondence.02 , be parallel/equivalent to, vncls: 47.2
        Arg1: topic, theme
        Arg2: compared with
Example: invented example
        the unlikely correspondence between eye color and knowledge of botany
        ArgM-ADV : unlikely
        Rel : correspondence
        Arg1 : between eye color and knowledge of botany