Predicate: concentration
Roleset id: concentration.01 , affix attention on, vncls:
        Arg0: agent, contrentrater
        Arg1: contrentrated-on
        Arg2: thing contrentrated, if separate from agent
Example: autogen1
        traders to switch their concentration to the demand side
        Arg0 : their
        Rel : concentration
        Arg1 : to the demand side
Example: autogen2
        a concentration on key products
        Rel : concentration
        Arg1 : on key products
Roleset id: concentration.02 , cause a reduction in volume (as of a liquid, vncls:
        Arg0: causer
        Arg1: liquid
Example: autogen1
        the concentration of investment decisions in the hands of
        Rel : concentration
        Arg1 : of investment decisions in the hands of government
Example: autogen2
        the concentration of group homes for the mentally retarded
        Rel : concentration
        Arg1 : of group homes for the mentally retarded