Predicate: cast
Roleset id: cast.01 , partitive-quant, vncls:
        Arg1: quantified
Example: autogen1
        a cast of thousands
        Rel : cast
        Arg1 : of thousands
Roleset id: cast.02 , name, assign a role, vncls: 29.2
        Arg0: namer, assigner of a role
        Arg1: entity playing the role
        Arg2: role
Example: autogen1
        Moliere 's cast of characters
        Arg0 : Moliere 's
        Arg1-REF : cast
        Rel : cast
        Arg2 : of characters
Example: autogen2
        Creator Hugh Wilson , for example , included the lead character
        's Greek family in the cast
        Arg0 : Creator Hugh Wilson
        ArgSupport : included in
        Arg1 : the lead character 's Greek family
        Rel : cast