Predicate: cap
Roleset id: cap.01 , ensure something stays below a certain level, vncls:
        Arg0: agent, limiter
        Arg1: thing limited
        Arg2: limit
Example: autogen1
        it to increase its debt cap to 65 % of the company 's fair market
        value from the 40 % currently allowed
        ArgSupport : increase
        Arg0 : its
        Arg1 : debt
        Rel : cap
        Arg2 : to 65 % of the company 's fair market value
Example: autogen2
        a $ 100 million cap on how much any single state can receive in
        emergency funds in a year
        Arg2 : $ 100 million
        Rel : cap
        Arg1 :
on how much any single state can receive in emergency funds in a