Predicate: burst
Roleset id: burst.01 , part-quant/nom, vncls: 48.1.1
        Arg1: quantified/theme
        Arg2: further description
Example: autogen1
        a burst of energy
        Rel : burst
        Arg1 : of energy
Example: autogen2
        a burst of automobile buying
        Rel : burst
        Arg1 : of automobile buying
Roleset id: burst.02 , minor explosion/eruption, vncls: 45.4
        Arg0: causer of explosion
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        a burst of neutrons from an early cold fusion experiment last
        Rel : burst
        Arg1 : of neutrons
        Arg0 : from an early cold fusion experiment last April
Example: autogen2
        neutron bursts
        Arg1 : neutron
        Rel : bursts