Predicate: boost
Roleset id: boost.01 , push upwards, vncls:
        Arg0: causer of upward motion, agent
        Arg1: logical subject, thing moving upward
        Arg2: ext, amount risen
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point
        ArgM: medium
Example: autogen1
        The bond market got an early boost from the opening-hour sell-off
        in stocks .
        Arg1 : The bond market
        ArgSupport : got
        ArgM-TMP : early
        Rel : boost
        Arg0 : from the opening-hour sell-off in stocks
Example: autogen2
        a 3 % wage boost
        Arg2 : 3 %
        Arg1 : wage
        Rel : boost