Predicate: billing
Roleset id: billing.01 , charge a fee, vncls: 54.5
        Arg0: seller, biller
        Arg1: asking price, amount of bill
        Arg2: buyer, billed
        Arg3: commodity
Example: autogen1
        General Electric Co. may have covered up fraudulent billings to
        the Pentagon
        Arg0 : General Electric Co.
        ArgSupport : covered
        ArgM-MNR : fraudulent
        Rel : billings
        Arg2 : to the Pentagon
Example: autogen2
        an American Telephone & Telegraph Co. billing adjustment
        Arg0 : American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
        Rel : billing
        ArgSupport : adjustment
Roleset id: billing.02 , revenue/attribute, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
Example: autogen1
        Dentsu 's billings last year were larger than those of Young &
        Rubicam , the world 's second-largest ad agency , according to a
        survey by the publication Advertising Age .
        Arg1 : Dentsu 's
        Rel : billings
        Arg2 :
larger than those of Young & Rubicam , the world 's
second-largest ad agency
Example: autogen2
        Della Femina had billings of just $ 660 million last year and
        ranked as the U.S. 's 24th-largest ad agency .
        Arg1 : Della Femina
        ArgSupport : had
        Rel : billings
        Arg2 : of just $ 660 million