Predicate: bickering
Roleset id: bickering.01 , to argue, vncls: 36.1
        Arg0: agent(s) bickering
        Arg1: topic
Example: autogen1
        partisan bickering over the debt ceiling , which has become
        entangled in the fight over cutting capital-gains taxes
        Arg0 : partisan
        Rel : bickering
        Arg1 :
over the debt ceiling , which has become entangled in the fight
over cutting capital-gains taxes
Example: autogen2
        the ongoing bickering over the dollar between the Federal Reserve
        and the Mulford Treasury
        ArgM-TMP : ongoing
        Rel : bickering
        Arg1 : over the dollar
        Arg0 : between the Federal Reserve and the Mulford Treasury