Predicate: arrival
Roleset id: arrival.01 , move, come to, vncls: 51.1-2
        Arg1: entity in motion / 'comer
        Arg2: extent -- rare
        Arg3: start point -- also rare
        Arg4: end point, destination
Example: autogen1
        the arrival of cocoa from the interior
        Rel : arrival
        Arg1 : of cocoa
        Arg3 : from the interior
Example: autogen2
        the arrival on the market of $ 4.52 billion in 30-year bonds
        offered by the Resolution Funding Corp. as part of the government
        's bailout of the savings and loan industry
        Rel : arrival
        Arg4 : on the market
        Arg1 :
of $ 4.52 billion in 30-year bonds offered by the Resolution
Funding Corp. as part of the government 's bailout of the savings
and loan industry