Predicate: application
Roleset id: application.01 , ask for, vncls:
        Arg0: applier
        Arg1: thing applied for
        Arg2: entity applied to
Example: autogen1
        data submitted in their original approval applications before the
        Arg0 : their
        ArgM-TMP : original
        Arg1 : approval
        Rel : applications
        Arg2 : before the FDA
Example: autogen2
        Larsen & Toubro started accepting applications for its giant
        issue earlier this month
        Arg2 : Larsen & Toubro ---> *-2
        ArgSupport : accepting
        Rel : applications
        Arg1 : for its giant issue
Roleset id: application.02 , associate with, work at or on, vncls:
        Arg0: applier
        Arg1: thing applied, associated, worked
        Arg2: applied to
Example: autogen1
        their application to a particular new financial product
        Arg1 : their
        Rel : application
        Arg2 : to a particular new financial product
Example: autogen2
        laser applications for military space
        Arg1 : laser
        Rel : applications
        Arg2 : for military space
Roleset id: application.03 , painting, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: paint
        Arg2: surface
        Arg3: instrument, brush
Example: autogen1
        The application of herbicide
        Rel : application
        Arg1 : of herbicide
Example: autogen2
        application guidelines for lubricants
        Rel : application
        Arg1 : for lubricants