Predicate: alarm
Roleset id: alarm.01 , to give warning to, frighten, vncls: 31.1
        Arg0: warning
        Arg1: entity alarmed
Example: autogen1
        alarm in Venice over a plan to tap gas fields off the city 's
        Rel : alarm
        ArgM-LOC : in Venice
        Arg0 : over a plan to tap gas fields off the city 's coast
Example: autogen2
        the shutdown would n't be a cause for alarm even if it were to
        persist for several days
        Arg0 : the shutdown
        ArgSupport : cause for
        Rel : alarm
Roleset id: alarm.02 , give a warning, vncls: 37.9-1
        Arg0: entity giving warning
        Arg1: warning, impelled action
        Arg2: entity getting warning, impelled agent
Example: autogen1
        flashlights and fire alarms
        Arg1 : fire
        Arg0-REF : alarms
        Rel : alarms
Example: autogen2
        Air-raid sirens sounded the alarm at 2:25 a.m. , summoning 12,000
        air wardens to duty .
        Arg0 : Air-raid sirens
        ArgSupport : sounded
        Rel : alarm