Predicate: aim
Roleset id: aim.01 , plan, vncls:
        Arg0: aimer
        Arg1: action
Example: autogen1
        his aim is to reach people who are bedridden , have no access to
        transportation , ca n't find a lawyer to take their case or
        simply ca n't afford lawyers ' consultation fees
        Arg0 : his
        Rel : aim
        Arg1-PRD :
to reach people who are bedridden , have no access to
transportation , ca n't find a lawyer to take their case or
simply ca n't afford lawyers ' consultation fees
Example: autogen2
        The aim would be to end the guerrilla war for control of Cambodia
        by allowing the Khmer Rouge a small share of power .
        Rel : aim
        Arg1-PRD :
to end the guerrilla war for control of Cambodia by allowing the
Khmer Rouge a small share of power
Roleset id: aim.02 , directed motion, vncls:
        Arg0: aimer
        Arg1: thing in motion
        Arg2: target
Example: autogen1
        Compaq is already taking aim at Zenith 's market share .
        Arg0 : Compaq
        ArgSupport : taking
        Rel : aim
        Arg2 : at Zenith 's market share
Example: autogen2
        The Chinese , in turn , took aim at American `` interference ''
        in China 's domestic affairs .
        Arg0 : The Chinese
        ArgSupport : took
        Rel : aim
        Arg2 : at American `` interference '' in China 's domestic affairs